About Lakeside Medical
Lakeside Medical is a family medical practice committed to providing the highest quality of primary health care for our patients.
Same day appointments always available
Our normal opening hours are Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm. Saturday 8am – 12pm, CLOSED on Sundays and Public Holidays.
- Minimal waiting times
- Male and Female Doctors
- Private Billing Practice
- Limited bulk billing is offered for children under 16 years, Senior Pension Concession Card Holders and Gold DVA Holders

Practice Information
Please note that doctors are not available to receive and return phones calls without an appointment. Please make a telehealth appointment if you wish to speak to your doctor via the phone. Sorry, we are NOT able to accept or send email communication due to privacy reasons
We have an appointment reminder system that uses SMS. We also SMS and Phone to advise patients when regular checks are due. Final recall letters for certain health services are sent by registered post to meet medico legal requirements.
Please call 3818 0700 to make an appointment. If you have a complex problem please ask our friendly reception staff for a longer consultation. We require a minimum of 2 hours notice if you can no longer attend your appointment. Please be aware that if a valid reason cannot be given for non-attendance, you will be charged the full fee for the missed consult.
Out of Hours
You can register your family with the after hours Home Doctor Service. Services are bulk billed for out of hours consultations. You can contact the Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25
Practice Hours
Our normal opening hours are Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm; Saturday: 8am – 12pm
We are CLOSED on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Payment Procedures
To provide the highest quality service our practice has private billing. Payment is requested at time of consultation and can be made by Eftpos, Credit Card or Cash. If you provide Medicare with your bank details we can arrange for a Medicare rebate to be put directly into your account within 2-3 days.
Bulk Billing
We are a Private Billing practice. We therefore only offer bulk billing only to children under 16 years, Gold DVA card holders, and aged/senior pensioners.
Work Cover
Consultation costs for WorkCover are not reimbursed by Medicare. Invoices are to be paid and can be submitted to your employer or WorkCover. Once a claim number has been issued, we can invoice WorkCover directly.
You will receive an SMS when your results are ready and you can make an appointment online for telehealth or in person to discuss your results with your doctor. Our reception staff do not have access to your personal health information and cannot give results over the phone.
Repeat Prescriptions
An appointment is required for all prescriptions. This can be made via telehealth if you have had a face to face appointment in the previous 12 months. We do NOT prescribe schedule 8 narcotic drugs.
Dressings and consumables are not refunded by Medicare and may be privately charged. There is no Medicare refund for change of dressings or removal of sutures if the procedure is done elsewhere in a private facility.
Closing the Gap
We offer health assessments for patients with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ethnicity. Patients may be eligible for free prescriptions and some Medicare benefits.
Medical Records & Privacy
Compliments and Concerns
We welcome patient feedback. If you have a concern about the service you received, we request that you submit your concern in writing via our Feedback Form and hand it in at reception. All concerns will be addressed by our Practice Manager within 30 days.
The Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO) can be contacted for assistance. Free Call 1800 677 308 or visit www.oho.qld.gov.au